Elma Lawer - UK

WI Support; Meetings in a Bag

WI Support; Meetings in a Bag
Elma Lawer - UK

Wiltshire, UK

Panel ref

Kington Langley, a small village in North Wiltshire, has a vibrant, enthusiastic WI which started 75 years ago in 1946. As the first members of the WI rallied together to support the village in the 1940s, so the members have supported each other through the past eighteen months of the Pandemic. Meeting together on Zoom we were still able to hold our WI meetings and together we were able to collaborate on this Covid Chronicles Project. We dropped off resources at each other’s homes and carefully passed on the completed sections on doorsteps. It is an embroidered account of how we spent our time since the start of Lockdown. Walking our dogs, finding new footpaths, learning how to grow different plants and vegetables and holding our book club virtually all helped to keep us going. We were even able to improve our walking netball skills in small groups as some restrictions were lifted. One way to stay in touch with our members, especially those who did not use Zoom, was to deliver “Meetings in a Bag” with small surprises and messages to let them know they had not been forgotten.

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The Future of The Covid Chronicle:

The Covid Chronicle is available for sale / exhibition by arrangement. The proceeds from the sale of the entire work would be in aid of MIND.  Please get in contact for further details.
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